Two kinds of people in the world.
Those who are with God and those who are not. The only problem those who are not with God have is the problem of not being with God. For help with this problem please click on the link above titled "Solutions to Problems". You will find a new direction to follow that will absolutely change your life.
For those of us who are with God we are to help one another with the trials and tribulations laid before us. This is a location where all Christians can come to find support from other Christians. Here at Heavens Painted Picture we believe in working together to spread God's love in a way that is effective in overcoming hatred.
Do you really know the value of Prayer?
Have you ever wondered why God allows so much suffering and tradgey to occur in the world? The answer is that He doesn't. God kicked lucifer out of Heaven for all of eternity left to rule here on earth and in case you hadn't noticed satan loves suffering and tragedy, especially if he can get you to blame God for it. So what is the answer to overcoming the enemy? It is prayer. Through prayer we can invite God to come into our lives and intervene on our behalf. God said "Ask and it shall be given", "Seek and ye shall find". He did not say hold up your silver platter and He would dump a bunch of goodness on it. If your life is not the way you want it then the best way to change things is to pray!
Keep the REAL Sabbath!
All our life we have been taught the sabbath is Sunday. This is absolutly not true. In the bible, every mention of the Sabbath is consistant and clear. It's Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown. So why then do all Catholics and Christians hold church service on Sunday? There are a lot of opinions on this but the bible isn't a source. The most recognizes source was the Roman Emperor Constantine. In the year 321 on March 17th, he declared Sunday a day of rest for all workers and the Cathlic chruch adopted Sunday as their day to hold service and Christians followed suit. For the past 1700+ years, people have recognized Constantine's day of rest of the Lords day of rest.

So is going to church on Sunday instead of Saturday, a sin? NO, absolutly not. In fact God wouldn't mind if you spent every day in service to Him, learning about Him, praising Him. The sabbath is meant to be a day of rest so if you believe God wants you to observe the Sabbath, then do no work on Saturday. Some say this, some say that, we prefer to go with what Jesus said: Mathew chapter 5: 17 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Learn More
Christians Unite to Make a Difference
There are many people in the world trying to make a difference and trying to spread the message of God. We are interested in your success with this as
Your Success is Our Success.
We are a unique company among Internet-based companies that raise money from ventures and use that money to make a real difference in the lives of other Christians.
The Real Joy Of Success
For us, the real joy of success is being able to truly empower you to
live life on God's terms. -- This means going into the world and doing good works. Most of the time this takes money and that is where we can help. If you are looking to work for God in any way and need help, contact us with your mission and we will make it our goal to assist you. If you don't know what to do then contact us and we can direct you to a path that will utilize your talents to the goal of spreading God's love.
Chritsians are a family of like minded people who put God first in their life. If this is you then you have come to the right place. We are always interested in what Christians are dong for God and their neighbors. Send us your stories so we can share the great power of God working in our lives to others. |